Laboratory for Multisensory and Neuromodulation Research
Convento S., Russo C., Zigiotto L., Bolognini N. (2016). Transcranial electrical stimulation in post-stroke cognitive rehabilitation: Where we are and where we are going. European Psychologist, 21(1):55-64
Valiengo L., Casati R., Bolognini N., Lotufo P., Bensenor I., Goulart A., Brunoni A. (2016). Transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of post-stroke depression in aphasic patients: a case series. Neurocase, 8:1-4.
Bolognini N., Russo C., Edwards D.J. (2016) The sensory side of post-stroke motor rehabilitation. Restorative Neurology & Neuroscience, in press
Bolognini N., Zigiotto L., Carneiro MI, Vallar G. (2016). How did I make it? Uncertainty about own motor performance after inhibition of the premotor cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press
Papagno C., Cecchetto C., Pisoni A., Bolognini N. (2016). Deaf, blind, or deaf-blind: is touch enhanced? Experimental Brain Research, 234(2):627-36
Bolognini N., Miniussi C. (2016). Multimodal association of tDCS with electroencephalography. In: Brunoni A., Nitsche M., Loo C., Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Clinical Principles and Management, Springer. In press
Fregni F., Nitsche M.A., Loo C., Brunoni A.R., Marangolo P., Leite J., Carvalho S., Bolognini N., Caumo W., Paik N.J., Simis M., Ueda K., Hamed E., Luu P., Tucker D.M., Tyler W.J., Brunelin J., Datta A., Juan C.H., Venkatasubramaniam G., Boggio P.S., Bikson M. (2015). Regulatory Considerations for the Clinical and Research Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): review and recommendations from an expert panel. Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs, 32(1):22-35.
Longhi E., Senna I., Bolognini N., Bulf H., Tagliabue P., Macchi Cassia V., Turati C. (2015). Discrimination of Biomechanically Possible and Impossible Hand Movements at Birth. Child Development, 86(2):632-41.
Bolognini N., Convento S., Banco E., Mattioli F., Tesio L., Vallar G. (2015). Improving ideomotor limb apraxia by electrical stimulation of the left posterior parietal cortex. Brain, 138(Pt 2):428-39.
Rossetti A., Romano D., Bolognini N., Maravita A. (2015). Dynamic expansion of alert responses to incoming painful stimuli following tool use. Neuropsychologia, 70:486-94.
Senna I., Russo C., Parisi C., Ferrario I., Bolognini N. (2015). Altered visual feedback modulates cortical excitability in a mirror-box-like paradigm. Experimental Brain Research, 233(6):1921-9
Brighina F., Bolognini N., Cosentino G., Maccora S., Paladino P., Baschi R., Vallar G., Fierro B. (2015). Visual cortex hyperexcitability in migraine in response to sound-induced flash illusions. Neurology, 84(20):2057-61.
Bolognini N., Spandri V., Ferraro F., Salmaggi A., Molinari A.C.L., Fregni F., Maravita A. (2015). Immediate and sustained effects of 5-day transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex in phantom limb pain. The Journal of Pain, 16(7):657-65.
Calzolari E., Bolognini N., Casati C., Bianchi Marzoli S., Vallar G. (2015). Restoring abnormal aftereffects of prismatic adaptation through neuromodulazion. Neuropsychologia, 74:162-9.
Bolognini N. (2015). Causal mechanisms of Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia: clues from neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, 6(2-3):137-9.
Bolognini N., Russo C., Vallar V. (2015). Crossmodal Illusions in Neurorehabilitation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9:212.
Addabbo M., Longhi E., Bolognini E., Senna I., Tagliabue P., Macchi Cassia V., Turati C. (2015). Seeing touches early in life. PlosOne, 10(9):e0134549.
Scocchia L., Bolognini N., Convento S., Stucchi N. (2015). Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation can stabilize perception of movement: evidence from the two-thirds power law illusion. Neuroscience Letters, 609:87-91.
Romero Lauro L.J., Pisoni A., Rosanova M., Casarotto S., Mattavelli G., Bolognini N., Vallar G. (2015). Localizing the effects of anodal tDCS at the level of cortical sources: A Reply to Bailey et al.,. Cortex, 74:323-8.
Vallar G., Bolognini N. (2014). Curare il cervello da fuori: la stimolazione elettrica e magnetica transcranica fra diagnosi e terapia. In: Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IV Rapporto sull'Ictus - Dopo l'ictus: integrazione e continuità delle cure. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore: Roma.
Bolognini N. (2014). Sinestesia. In: C. Papagno, A. Gallace, Psicobiologia del comportamento normale e patologico. Il Mulino: Bologna
Vallar G., Bolognini N. (2014). Unilateral spatial neglect. In: A.C. Nobre, S. Kastner, The Oxford Handbook of Attention. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Cuppini C., Magosso E., Bolognini N., Vallar G., Ursino M. (2014). A Neurocomputational Analysis of the Sound-Induced Flash Illusion. NeuroImage, 92:248-66.
Senna I., Maravita A., Bolognini N., Parise C.V. (2014). The Marble-Hand illusion, PlosOne, 9(3):e91688.
Convento S., Bolognini N., Fusaro M., Vallar G. (2014). Neuromodulation of parietal and motor activity affects motor planning and execution. Cortex, 57C:51-59.
Bolognini N., Rossetti A., Fusaro M., Vallar G., Miniussi C. (2014). Sharing social touch in the primary somatosensory cortex. Current Biology, 24(13):1513-7.
Romero Lauro L.J., Rosanova M., Mattavelli G., Convento S., Pisoni A., Opitz A., Bolognini N., Vallar G. (2014). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) increases cortical excitability: evidence from TMS-EEG. Cortex, 58:99-111.
Marques L.M., Lapenta O.M., Merabet L.B., Bolognini N., Boggio S.P. (2014). Tuning and disrupting the brain - modulating the McGurk illusion with electrical stimulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:533.
Ronchi R., Bolognini N., Gallucci M., Chiapella L., Algeri L., Spada M.S., Vallar G. (2014). (Un)awareness of unilateral spatial neglect. A quantitative evaluation of performance in visuo-spatial tasks. Cortex, 61:167-82.
Bolognini N., Rossetti A., Convento S., Vallar G. (2013). Understanding others' feelings: the role of the right primary somatosensory cortex in encoding the affective valence of others' touch. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(9):4201-5.
Bolognini N., Convento S., Rossetti A., Merabet L.B. (2013). Multisensory processing after a brain damage: clues on post-injury crossmodal plasticity from neuropsychology. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(3): 269–278.
Turati C., Natale E., Bolognini N., Senna I., Picozzi M., Longhi E., Macchi Cassia V. (2013). The early development of human mirror mechanisms: Evidence from electromyographic recordings at 3 and 6 months. Developmental Science, 16(6):793-800.
Bolognini N., Miniussi C., Gallo S., Vallar G. (2013). Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing somatosensory cortical excitability. Current Biology, 23 (10): R436-7.
Convento S., Vallar G., Galantini C., Bolognini N. (2013), Neuromodulation of early multisensory interactions in the visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(5):685-9645.
Andrade D.C., Borges I., Bolognini N., Fregni F. (2013). Therapeutic time window of non-invasive brain stimulation for pain treatment: inhibition of maladaptive plasticity with early treatment intervention. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 10(3):339-52.
Bolognini N., Olgiati E., Maravita A., Ferraro F., Fregni F. (2013). Motor and parietal cortex stimulation for phantom limb pain and sensations. Pain, 154(8):1274-80.
Bolognini N., Spandri V., Olgiati E., Fregni F., Ferraro F., Maravita A. (2013) Long-term antalgic effects of tDCS of the motor cortex on phantom limb pain and stump pain: A case report. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46 (4): e1-2.
Bolognini N., Convento S., Fusaro M., Vallar G. (2013). The sound-induced phosphene illusion. Experimental Brain Research, 231(4):469-78.
Bolognini N., Cecchetto C., Geraci C., Maravita A., Pascual-Leone A., Papagno C. (2012). Hearing Shapes Our Perception of Time: Temporal Discrimination of Tactile Stimuli in Deaf People. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (2):276-86.
Brunoni A.R., Nitsche M.A., Bolognini N., Bikson M., Wagner T., Merabet L., Edwards D.J., Valero-Cabre A., Rotenberg A., Pascual-Leone A., Ferrucci R., Priori A., Boggio P.S., Fregni, F. (2012). Clinical Research with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Challenges and Future Directions. Brain Stimulation, 5(3):175-95.
Rossetti A., Miniussi C., Maravita A., Bolognini N. (2012). Visual Perception of Bodily Interactions in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 36(3):2317-23.
Bolognini N., Maravita A. (2012). Interactions between senses: updating on neural mechanisms and behavioral evidence. Frontiers in Psychology, 3: 122.
Bolognini N., Casanova D., Maravita A., Vallar G. (2012). Bisecting real and fake body parts: effects of prism adaptation after right brain damage. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6:154.
Sposito A.V., Bolognini N., Vallar G., Maravita A. (2012). Extension of perceived arm length following tool-use: clues to plasticity of body metrics. Neuropsychologia, 50(9):2187-94.
Mancini F., Bolognini N., Haggar P.Vallar G. (2012). tDCS modulation of visually-induced analgesia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(12):2419-27.
Vallar G., Bolognini N. (2012). Neglect. In: Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, Eds. Runehov A., Oviedo L., Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 1450-55.
Bolognini N., Rossetti A., Maravita A., Miniussi C. (2011). Seeing Touch in the somatosensory cortex: a TMS study of the visual perception of touch. Human Brain Mapping, 32(12):2103-14.
Bolognini N., Rossetti A., Casati C., Mancini F., Vallar G. (2011). Neuromodulation of Multisensory Perception: a tDCS study of the sound-induced flash illusion” Neuropsychologia, 49: 231-237.
Bolognini N., Maravita A. (2011). Uncovering multisensory processing through non-invasive brain stimulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 2011;2:46.
Vallar G., Bolognini N. (2011). Behavioural facilitation following brain stimulation. Implication for neurorehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19:1-32.
Bolognini N., Vallar G., Casati C., Abdul Latif L., El-Nazer R., Williams J., Banco E., Duarte D.M., Tesio L., Chessa C., Fregni F. (2011). Neurophysiological and behavioural effects of tDCS combined with Constraint Induced Movement Therapy in post-stroke patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 25(9):819-29.
Bolognini N., Olgiati E., Xaiz A., Posteraro L., Ferraro F., Maravita A. (2011). Touch to see: Neuropsychological evidence of a sensory mirror system for touch. Cerebral Cortex, 22(9):2055-64.
Cacciari C., Bolognini N., Senna I., Pellicciari M.C., Miniussi C., Papagno C. (2011). Literal, fictive and metaphorical motion sentences preserve the motion component of the verb. A TMS study. Brain and Language, 119(3):149-57.
Bolognini N., Papagno C., Moroni D., Maravita A. (2010). Tactile temporal processing in the auditory cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22(6):1201-11.
Sposito A.G., Bolognini N., Vallar G., Posteraro L., Maravita A. (2010). The spatial encoding of body parts in patients with neglect. Neuropsychologia, 48: 334-340.
Bolognini N., Vallar G. (2010). Book review: “The Oxford Handbook of Transcranial Stimulation”. Archives of Neurology, 67 (6): 775-776.
Bolognini N., Olgiati, E., Rossetti, A., Maravita, A. (2010). Enhancing crossmodal audiovisual processing by brain polarization of the parietal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 1800–1806.
Bolognini N., Senna I., Maravita A., Pascual-Leone A., Merabet L. (2010). Auditory Enhancement of Visual Phosphenes Perception: The Effect of Temporal and Spatial Factors and of Stimulus Intensity. Neuroscience Letters, 477: 109–114.
Bolognini N., Fregni F., Casati C., Olgiati E., Vallar G. (2010). Brain polarization of parietal cortex augments training-induced improvement of visual-exploratory and attentional skills”. Brain Research, 1349: 76-89.
Bolognini N., Ro T. (2010). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Disrupting Neural Activity to Alter and Assess Brain Function. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(29): 9647-50.
Mancini F., Bolognini N., Bricolo E., Vallar V. (2010). Crossmodal processing of the Muller-Lyer illusion in the lateral occipital cortex: a TMS study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(8): 1987-97.
Bolognini N., Làdavas E., Farnè A. (2010). Spatial Perspective and Coordinate Systems in Autoscopy: A Case Report of a “Fantome de Profil” in Occipital Brain Damage. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7):1741-51.
Bolognini N., Pascual-Leone A., Fregni F. (2009). Using non-invasive brain stimulation to augment motor training-induced plasticity. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 6: 8.
Bolognini N., Miniussi C., Savazzi S., Bricolo E., Maravita A. (2009). TMS modulation of visual and auditory processing in the Posterior Parietal Cortex. Experimental Brain Research 195 (4): 509-11.
Maravita A., Bolognini N., Bricolo E., Marzi C.A, Savazzi S. (2008). Is audiovisual integration subserved by the superior colliculus in humans? Neuroreport, 19(3):271-5.
Leo F., Bolognini N., Passamonti C., Stein B.E., Làdavas E. (2008). Cross-modal localization in hemianopia: new insights on multisensory integration. Brain, 131: 855-65.
Bolognini N., Leo F., Passamonti C., Stein B.E., Làdavas E. (2007). Multisensory-mediated auditory localization. Perception, 36: 1477-85.
Bolognini N., Maravita A. (2007). Proprioceptive alignment of visual and somatosensory maps in the posterior parietal cortex. Current Biology, 17: 1890-5.
Avenanti A., Bolognini N., Maravita A., Aglioti S.M. (2007). Somatic and motor components of action simulation. Current Biology, 17:2129-35.
Bolognini N., Frassinetti F., Serino A., Làdavas E. (2005) Acoustical vision of below threshold stimuli! Interaction among spatially converging audio-visual inputs. Experimental Brain Research, 160, 273-282.
Bolognini N., Rasi F., Làdavas E. (2005). Visual localization of sounds. Neuropsychologia, 43(11), 1655-1661.
Frassinetti F., Bolognini N., Bottari D., Bonora A., Làdavas E. (2005). Audio-visual integration in patients with visual deficit. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,17, 1442-1452.
Bolognini N., Rasi F., Coccia M., Làdavas E. (2005). Visual Search Improvement in Hemianopic Patients after Audio-Visual Stimulation. Brain, 128: 2830-42.
Làdavas E., Bolognini N., Frassinetti F. (2004). Multisensory integration of audio-visual inputs in normal subjects and neglect patients. In: Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. Ed. M.I Posner, The Guilford Press, New York.
Frassinetti F., Bolognini N., Làdavas E. (2002) Enhancement of visual perception by crossmodal visuo-auditory interaction. Experimental Brain Research, 147, 332-343.